STX is your limited to just easy access, but you can load both.

So as you can see from the slide, one thing that's cool about superiors, that you can load both easy access and STX is an easy drummer.

And here's the groove through that Al load up the easy ex real quick just so you can hear the group through that. I mean, that doesn't sound that different than the raw drum session I was doing with Sean yesterday. I could go back to that Gretch that we had up earlier. All the raw drums and all your articulations Take up a lot of space so your computer needs to be up to the task. Ah, One thing you should know big difference between them is that the easy X version is one gig. Um, there are telling you the difference between an easy X and an STX easy ex being that everything was pre processed STX being something that's raw. See, they released a Nestea X of the same exact drum session. You can choose dif.įerent drums from the same drum session, so let's say I want a different snare loaded that scratch or Ludwig? That is not a Ross there. One thing I failed to mention before is that right here, this little arrow on the drums. So anyways, this is rock solid, and since this is an easy X is already pre processed for you is even here. So pretty amazing that to attract could get him to make some drums for them.

I know a lot of you guys might not be Nickelback fans, but the record sound unbelievably amazing from a production standpoint. Um, Lot made the most recent Alice in Chains Records, Metallica, Black Album, just all kinds of amazing stuff over the years. I just loaded rock solid, which is an easy X that Randy stop made of. I'm honestly not familiar with all of them. There's a lot of them, and, ah, I actually will be talking about the ones that I use the most because those were the ones I'm familiar with. All right, let's talk about some tune track drum libraries.